Sunday 4 October 2015

Versatile Blogger Award

Hi everyone! Wow, its been like forever! So so sorry I've been away for a while, honestly the last couple of weeks have been a blur. So much work and activities....Phew!!
So I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by two of my fave bloggers, Judith of Juditherese's hair care and Modupe of Hairlevation. Thanks girls!!
Here we go.
1. Thank the bloggers who nominated you- which I have.
2. Nominate 15 bloggers.
Hmm, all my fave bloggers have already been nominated. So, if you're a blogger reading this, I nominate YOU!
3. Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
- I'm crazy about JESUS CHRIST! He's the Centre of my life, the reason for my existence. He's my Lord and Savior. If you're close to me, you'll hear about Him a lot.
- I'm a vegetarian. Yes, African vegetarians do exist. No,  I wasn't brought up this way. No, I have no medical/religous condition that prohibits me from eating animal flesh.
- I'm an extremely disciplined person. Once I set my mind to do something, I do it.
- I love to read. If it's a book, I love it already.
- I dream of travelling the world someday. Or maybe just Europe.
- I'm addicted to tea. All kinds: green, black, white, camomile etc. I just love tea!!!
- I'm not a pet lover. I'm terrified of dogs; ever since I was bitten by one at age 7. And, I'm not superstitious, but cats really creep me out.
There you have it. I'll post a hair update once I wash my hair tomorrow.
Cheers, Fatee.